On Friday May 25, Ireland will hold a referendum on repealing the 8th Amendment which constitutionalizes the right to life of the unborn and creates a near total ban on abortion. The OxHRH supports the Together for Yes campaign that seeks to repeal the 8th Amendment and protect women’s sexual and reproductive health rights.
In solidarity and in the lead up to the referendum next week, we will be showcasing blogs and podcasts that discuss women’s right to access abortion around the world.
OxHRH Blogs
The Irish Referendum and the Road to Safe, Legal Abortion-Fiona de Londras
Abolition of Social Grounds for Abortion in Bolvia-Ligia de Jesus Castaldi
Is Consent of the Husband Needed for an Abortion in India?-Aradhana Cherupara Vadekkethil
Legalization of Abortion on Three Grounds in Chile-Ligia de Jesus Castaldi
Whole Women’s Health: A Call for Evidence-Based Regulation of Abortion-Reva Siegel
Render Abortion Unconstitutional? Article 28 of Zambia’s New Draft Constitution-Yaliwe Clarke
Conservative Mobilization in Latin America and Its Impacts on Women’s and Adolescents’ Human Rights-Marta Rodriguez de Assis Macahdo
Abortion in Texas: Does Casey Still Have Content?-Carol Sanger
Abortion, Autonomy and The Deep Blue Sea: The Supreme Court’s Decision in R(On the Application of A and B) v Secretary of State for Health-Helen Mountfield
Conscientious Objection or Conscious Oppression? The Uphill Battle to Access Abortion Services in Uruguay-Lucia Berro
A and B v Secretary of State for Health: A Step in the right direction? – Keina Yoshida
Ireland’s Abortion Ban: Subjecting Women to Suffering and Discrimination – Fiona de Londras
Conscientious Objection or Oppression: That is the Question – Pedro Montano
Judging Abortion in Northern Ireland: Facing Challenges, Taking Opportunities – Kathryn McNeilly
Abortion Law in Ireland: A model for Change – Fiona de Londras
Abortion as a Human Right: Should Law in Ireland be Reformed? – Paul Ostwald
Northern Ireland’s Human Rights Commission Granted Leave for Judicial Review to Challenge the Court’s Near Blanket Ban on Abortion – Richard Martin
The Uneasy Decision in A and B v Secretary of State for Health – Beth Grossman
Abortion Law Reforms in Ireland – Mairead Enright
RightsUp #RightNow Podcast
About Abortion-Carol Sanger
OxHRH Working Paper Series
Claiming and Defending Abortion Rights in South Africa – Cathi Albertyn, (2014) 2 OxHRH Working Paper Series 5