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Parliaments are increasingly recognised as vital actors for ensuring governments’ implementation of both human ...
In an earlier post on this blog, I had demonstrated the exclusionary effect of an ableist interpretation of law. I ...
An important constitutional safeguard against arbitrary incarceration is the fundamental right of an arrested ...
On 3 December 2020, the trial of the Liberian former militia commander, Alieu Kosiah, opened in Switzerland’s ...
Across Pakistan, the two finger test (TFT), also known as the virginity and hymen test is conducted on female ...
On February 11, 2021, a three-judge bench of the Supreme Court of India in Vikash Kumar v. Union Public Service ...
In the context of hate crime, class has two main analytical roles. First, it can be a ground of hate crime in ...
The United States’ (‘US’) new Rule on processing asylum applications, which was to take effect from 10 January ...
Unlike many other socio-economic rights in the South African Constitution, such as the right to ‘further ...
Unlike many other socio-economic rights in the South African Constitution, such as the right to ‘further ...
The United States’ (‘US’) new Rule on processing asylum applications, which was to take effect from 10 January ...
Recently, the High Court of Delhi (India) refused to entertain a challenge to the dismissal of a Judicial Officer, ...
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